Welcome to the Nye County Valor Quilters. "Quilts for Veterans"
We honor our Veterans
touched by war
Nye County, Nevada
Signed in as:
We honor our Veterans
touched by war
Nye County, Nevada
Nye County Valor Quilters was founded in 2016 by Denise Kearl, a local quilter and a veteran of the US Army.
Since then our group has made and awarded Quilts of Valor to 628 Veterans in our community.
We are a community-based group of volunteers focused on making and awarding quilts to US Veterans touched by war.
We follow the Core Values and Guidelines of our parent organization, the Quilts of Valor Foundation
"Our community (quilters, longarmers, points of
contact, recipients, and donors) includes
people from many walks of life. Each of us
must promote inclusiveness, respecting the
opinion of every other fellow volunteer. Let
us always look for the common threads that
unite us rather than the differences that
could divide."
Whether you help through monetary donations, volunteering your time, or spreading our mission through word-of-mouth, thank you. We couldn't accomplish our goals without the help of supporters like you.